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We Are
The Riley Foundation

About The Project 

Knowing no borders, Sickle Cell Disease is 1 of the most vast haemogoblin disorders affecting each and every demographic. Through genetic inheritance, those that live with SCD are succeptible to organ damage, anemia, frequent infections and more notably; chronic pain.


With the infringement on their day-to-day lives and the small presence of definitive treatment, most patients are subject to only symptomatic treatment and a shortened life expectancy. 


Our goal here is not only aiding in the development of curable treatment but making it accessible to every human being regardless of their income or location. This is only made possible by increasing representation and driving the science. Awareness fuels results!

The Hard Truth


Infants are born with Sickle Cell Anemia each year


Of the World's population carries the gene. Regionally, this number can soar


Years shorter life expectancy for those living with Sickle Cell Disease

Mortality + Care

Since its discovery, SCD and those it inhabits have 4 approved symptom-targeting medications -along with blood transfusions- and a minuscule amount of definitive treatment. Stem Cell transplantation is the one option for curing SCD but is not readily accessible as it's associated with high risks, costs and requires a recipient match. 


Although mortality rates have risen in the past 50 years -infants not previously surviving past 5 years old- someone with SCD still can expect to have a 20-30 year shorter life span than someone who is not immune- compromised.

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